Ultherapy (Ulthera) in Seattle & Bellevue
Ultherapy is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure for the face, neck, chest, and other body parts that uses ultrasound and the body's own natural healing process to lift, tone, and tighten loose skin. In fact, Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared procedure to non-invasively lift the eyebrow, neck and under-chin. Ultherapy is also FDA-cleared to improve skin décolletage lines and wrinkles. Naficy Plastic Surgery & Rejuvenation Center is Seattle's premiere cosmetic treatment center with over 18 years of experience with both non-surgical and surgical rejuvenation. We offer solutions customized to each patient's specific needs, desires, expectations, and budget.
* Individual results may vary.
What is the Ultherapy procedure?
Ultherapy is a non-surgical, non-invasive, no downtime, ultrasound treatment, that is clinically shown to tighten, firm, tone, contour and rejuvenate skin and deeper tissues to help naturally restore a more youthful appearance. Ultherapy utilizes a focused form of ultrasound energy to firm and tighten existing collagen and stimulate new natural collagen production. Ultherapy results, for most patients, are typically visible by 3 months after the treatment but can continue to improve for up to six months. Some patients require additional treatments. The Ultherapy procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the Ultherapy procedure can be performed on patients of all skin color.
How does Ultherapy work?
Ultherapy harnesses the power of ultrasound energy to non-invasively lift and tighten skin for most patients. With just one 30 to 60 minute treatment, the lifting process is initiated, but the effect will build gradually over the course of a few months, as weak and aging collagen is replenished with new and stronger collagen. During Ultherapy, ultrasound is micro-focused below the skin's surface to cause cellular friction and precise, pin-point heating. Similar to a magnifying glass focusing sunlight, heat is only generated at the focal point, leaving the skin's surface and intervening tissue unaffected. Tissue at the focal point is heated to ~65°C, causing immediate collagen contraction and stimulation, and initiating aggressive collagen rebuilding. Over 90-180 days, the wound-healing response stimulates long-term tissue remodeling and leads to further lifting and tightening.
Before & After Ultherapy Photos
* Individual results may vary.

* Individual results may vary.
* Individual results may vary.
* Individual results may vary.

* Individual results may vary.
How long does the Ultherapy procedure take?
The Ultherapy procedure is a completely non-invasive, safe treatment that is performed only in a doctor's office by medically trained professionals. Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the procedure may take as little as 20 minutes for brow and forehead ultherapy and up to 1.5 hours for full face and full neck Ultherapy treatments.
How many Ultherapy treatments will I need?
Typically, a single Ultherapy treatment produces results in the majority of patients although individual results vary and some may need a second treatment. The treating provider will determine the course of treatment that is right for each patient, based on the patient's needs and goals. Some of your Ultherapy patients choose to repeat the procedure after a few years to further rejuvenate their skin.
When will I see results from Ultherapy?
In some situations some immediate results may be visible after Ultherapy but typically, measurable tightening and contouring improvements appear for most patients gradually over a two to six month time period following a single Ultherapy treatment session. Some patients do require additional treatments.
Where on the face & neck can the Ultherapy procedure be performed?
Ultherapy treatments can be performed in the following areas:
- Brow region
- Forehead and upper face
- Cheeks, Jowls and lower face
- Neck (upper neck and lower neck)
- Full Face
- Full Face and Neck
- Chest (Décolleté region)
New regions on the body are being explored for Ultherapy. For example, Ultherapy for loose skin on the arms and abdomen are great targets and we are currently exploring these areas in our practice.
* Individual results may vary.
What other treatments may be combined with Ultherapy?
Ultherapy may be combined with a number of other treatments. Injectables such as Botox,Juvederm, Voluma, Radiesse, Bellafill, and Sculptra complement Ultherapy treatments by targeting specific areas in the face, producing excellent results in smoothing out deeper lines and wrinkles. Botox works to further smooth away fine lines caused by facial contortions, and the fillers are designed to naturally plump deeper lines, folds and creases in the skin. Combining Ultherapy treatments with Fotofacial and Sculptra provides additional skin rejuvenation and improvement of age spots and broken capillaries to produce dramatic effects without surgery, with minimal time investment and virtually no downtime. Thermage may also be combined with Ultherapy for maximal non-invasive skin rejuvenation at both deep and superficial levels of the skin.
What does the Ultherapy procedure feel like?
With each line of the Ultherapy device, the patient experiences a brief sensation of deep warmth heating as the ultrasound energy is delivered to the skin and underlying tissue. This deep heating sensation is an indication that collagen is reaching effective temperatures for tightening. The provider at times offer light pain medications and skin cooling treatments prior to treatment to minimize sensation.
How long will the effects of the Ultherapy procedure last?
The Ultherapy procedure may in some instances immediately tighten existing collagen as well as continue to stimulate new natural collagen production for up to six months following the treatment for most patients. As with everything individual results vary. Results of Ultherapy may last for years depending on your skin condition and aging process.
Is the Ultherapy procedure safe?
The Ultherapy procedure has an excellent safety record. The procedure has been cleared by the FDA after demonstrating safety in clinical studies, and over 100,000 treatments have been performed safely worldwide. In addition, ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years. The most frequently reported side effects are classified as swelling, redness, and rarely bruising, tenderness, tingling, blistering, numbness on or around the treated area. These side effects may resolve in a few days or weeks. Consult with your provider regarding this and any other questions you may have on the safety record of the Ultherapy procedure.
What is the difference between Ultherapy and Thermage?
Radio-Frequency devices such as Thermage use electricity to bulk heat skin, relying on tissue impedance to produce heat. The majority of this energy is absorbed in the dermis at depths of less than 3mm. Because energy is delivered through the skin's surface, treatment temperature must be kept below 43°C to prevent burns, unless surface cooling is applied. Energy delivery is also imprecise, even in newer RF devices because factors like tissue composition and exposure time can cause variability in energy delivery.
Ulthera uses micro-focused ultrasound, which unlike RF energy, doesn't dissipate as it penetrates tissue. During Ultherapy, 95% of the delivered energy is concentrated at a pre-selected depth below the skin's surface, creating controlled heating through cellular friction. Energy is delivered with surgical precision, reaching a depth 50% greater than RF devices, to non-invasively target the same deep tissue planes as a modern facelift. This energy heats local tissue structures to coagulative temperatures (~65°C), causing collagen denaturation and initiating aggressive collagen synthesis - without injuring the skin's surface. Ulthera also combines treatment delivery with real-time ultrasound visualization, adding an enhanced degree of precision to treatment delivery.
What is Ultherapy Boost?
Ultherapy Boost treatments are great for improving skin texture and tone by targeting the more superficial layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production resulting in healthier and more vibrant skin. This treatment is ideal for patients of all ages, including those in their 20's and 30's as a great means of age prevention.
Contact Us
If you are interested in Ultherapy please fill out this Laser Inquiry Form. You will find our staff to be knowledgeable, professional, accommodating, and honest.