Botox Treatment
Naficy Rejuvenation Center is the Pacific Northwest's premiere location for Botox treatments and other cosmetic facial injectables. For each of the past 15 years, we have been the #1 injector of Botox and Fillers in the State of Washington, and the Pacific Northwest, and consistently in the top 0.1% of all practices in the United States. We have a highly trained and experienced staff of skilled providers who regularly perform the full spectrum of cosmetic Botox treatments. Naficy Rejuvenation Center serves as a national physician training site for advanced Botox injection techniques. Unlike many "Medispas" and "Skin Clinics" that do not have an on-site physician, the Naficy Rejuvenation Center has a board-certified plastic surgeon present on-site at all times and the Botox providers at the Naficy Rejuvenation Center have over 50 years of combined medical experience.
Schedule your Botox Appointment
We look forward to showing you why we are consistently the top Botox Provider in the Bellevue/Seattle area. You can schedule your Botox appointment in one of 3 easy ways:
- You can text us (24/7) at (425) 450-0880 to book an appointment. Just let us know your preferred date/time and we will contact you with available appointments.
- You can make your appointment online on your computer or by downloading the Naficy App (available on the App Store or Google Play). Please visit
- You can call us (M-F 7:30 am - 6 pm) at (425) 450-0880 to speak to one of our friendly patient concierge members.
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What is Botox?
Botox is a purified protein that has the ability to relax muscles into which it is injected. This relaxation may be partial or complete, depending on the amount of Botox used and on the relative strength of the muscle into which it is injected. The relaxation produced by Botox is temporary and will gradually fade as the treated muscle will gradually 'wake up' over time.
Before & After Botox injection. * Individual results may vary.
Which wrinkles can Botox treat?
There are two different types of wrinkles on the face: static wrinkles and dynamic wrinkles. Static wrinkles are present even with complete stillness and lack of expression on the face. Dynamic wrinkles are those that appear or become significantly more apparent with facial expression. Botox is ideal for treatment of dynamic wrinkles of the face and is used to relax those facial muscles whose excessive action causes wrinkling of the skin. For example, the deep lines between the eyebrows (frown lines) are the most popular treatment sites.
Before & After Botox injection for frown lines. * Individual results may vary.
Other areas which can be improved with Botox are the crow's feet and the horizontal forehead lines. Depending on the doctors' skill and experience, neckbands, certain lip lines, smile lines along the side of the nose, and droopy corners of the mouth may also be improved with Botox.
Before & After Botox injection for crows feet. * Individual results may vary.
Who is a candidate for Botox?
Any person who wishes to look more rested and relaxed, and to minimize the aging process around the eyes and forehead region with little/no down time is an appropriate candidate for Botox injections. There is no minimum or maximum age for Botox treatments for an adult. Botox is not recommended for women who are pregnant or are nursing.
What areas can Botox treat?
Although Botox injections are typically used around the eyes, there are multiple other areas where Botox injections can be successfully used. Our expert team of injectors use Botox injections in the following areas:
- Forehead lines
- Frown lines - between the eyebrows
- Crows feet - outer corner of eyes
- Droopy corners of mouth
- Lip lines - smokers line
- Neck bands
- Wide muscular jaws
- Excessive underarm sweating
- Excessive hand sweating
Will Botox make me look fake?
Botox injections produce a subtle relaxation which gives the face a 'rested' look. The results are very natural and you will still be able to make facial expressions.
What other cosmetic treatments may be combined with Botox?
One of the greatest combination treatments involves the simultaneous use of Botox and Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane. With this combo treatment, an "instant face lift" may be achieved by using Botox in the brow and forehead region, and Juvederm or Restylane around the cheeks, mouth, lips, and smile lines.
Can Botox be used to narrow a Square Face?
Botox is an effective treatment for patients who have excess width in their lower face. This is a popular treatment for many Asian patients who want to make their lower face appear less square. Botox is injected into the masseter muscle which over time will reduce in size, and in turn will create a reduction in the width of the bone.
Can Botox be used for Migraines?
Botox is an effective treatment for Migraine headaches in some patients. A 2016 paper by the American Academy of Neurology states that Botox is established as safe and effective treatment for reducing the number of headache days and improving the quality of life in patients with chronic migraines.
Can Botox be used for Excessive Sweating?
Botox is an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, also know as excessive sweating effecting the under arms or the palms and has been used for that purpose in our facility for over a decade.
What about the other types of Botox used?
Botox is a brand name for botulinum toxin produced by the company Allergan. There are a number of other companies that make their own brand of botulinum toxin. These include products such as Dysport, Myobloc, and Xeomin.
Does it hurt?
Typically no anesthetic is needed for Botox injections. A small amount of Botox is administered using a very fine needle. Most patients experience very minimal discomfort. Anesthetic creams and special cooling devices are available to increase your comfort.
What is the recovery like?
In general, no recovery time is needed. Botox treatments may be administered during a lunch break. You will be instructed not to rub the treated area for a couple of hours after the treatment. It is also a good idea to try to 'exercise' the treated muscles for the first few hours following the treatment, as this will increase the effectiveness of the Botox treatment.